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The origin of the term laser
DATE:2021/1/21 16:17:06  Page view:3987

The laser is called "the fastest knife", "the most accurate ruler", and "the brightest light".

In fact, the original Chinese name of laser is "Laser" and "Lace". It is a homophone of the English name LASER. The full name of the word LASER is Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation, LASER, because foreign scientists feel that the English name is too long. , Then took the first letter of the main word in the full name and simplified it to "LASER".

 L= Light

 A= Amplified (amplified)

 S= Stimulated (stimulated)

 E= Emission

 R= Radiation (radiation, emission)

English Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation translated into Chinese means "light amplification by stimulated emission radiation."

At the beginning, Chinese scientific and technical personnel translated it as "optical stimulated emission" based on the full English name of laser. The famous Chinese scientist Qian Xuesen felt that the translation was too long and suggested changing the name to "laser".







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