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Analysis on the Deep Penetration Welding Process of Laser Welding Machine
DATE:2021/8/10 16:37:40  Page view:3506

Deep penetration welding can also be called deep penetration welding. This process can not only completely melt the material, but also vaporize the material to form a large amount of plasma. Due to the large heat, a keyhole phenomenon will appear at the front of the molten pool. Deep penetration welding can completely penetrate the workpiece, and has large input energy and fast welding speed. It is currently the most widely used laser welding mode.

During laser deep penetration welding, the lasers are focused together to form a very high power density on the metal. The part where the laser beam is focused will vaporize the welded metal, causing a blind hole (ie, deep penetration hole) to appear in the molten pool of the workpiece. The metal vapor pressure will block the surrounding molten metal, so that the blind hole is always open during the welding process. The laser power is mainly absorbed by the melt at the boundary between the steam and the melt and the wall of the deep penetration hole. The focused laser beam and the deep penetration hole continue to move along the welding track. The welding material melts in front of the deep penetration hole and resolidifies at the back to form a weld.

Features of laser deep penetration welding:

1. High aspect ratio: Because the molten metal is formed around the cylindrical high-temperature vapor cavity and extends to the workpiece, the weld becomes deep and narrow.

2. Small heat input: Because the temperature in the small hole is very high, the melting process takes place extremely fast, and the heat input to the workpiece is very low, so the thermal deformation and heat-affected zone are small.

3. High compactness: Because the small holes filled with high-temperature steam are beneficial to the stirring of the welding pool and the escape of gas, resulting in the formation of pore-free penetration welds. The high cooling rate after welding is easy to make the weld microstructure. Therefore, the density is very high.

4. Strong weld seam: no electrode or filler wire is needed in the welding process, and the melting area is less polluted, making the weld seam strength and toughness at least equal to or even higher than that of the parent metal.

5. Accurate control: Because the focused light spot is small, the laser output has no "inertia", it can be stopped and restarted at high speed, and complex workpieces can be welded with CNC beam movement technology, and the positioning is accurate, and the weld seam is beautiful.

6. Non-contact welding: Because the energy comes from the photon beam and there is no physical contact with the workpiece, no external force is applied to the workpiece. Also, neither magnetism nor air affects the laser.




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